Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 61/2023

Multidisciplinary analysis on contaminated sites management. Towards more sustainable groundwater remediations

Mara Dal Santo1
1Stantec Italia S.p.A., Centro direzionale Milano 2, Segrate (MI).
Corresponding author e-mail:

Volume: 61/2023
Pages: 94-98


This study is motivated by the will to implement sustainability into the remediation processes. When managing a contaminated site, the selection of sustainable approaches and win-win solutions is now considered essential, in order not to further impact the ecosystem, the resources and human life and to contribute to the achievement of the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations, 2015). This study compares remediation technologies, analyses their performance, assesses sustainability, and gives a critical evaluation on remediation management processes. It highlights points of improvement that have emerged over years of remediation management. A multidisciplinary approach leads the present study. In fact, the owners of contaminated sites are not only interested in contamination reduction, but they are also interested in aspects that impact their business and corporate image such as time, cost and social engagement.


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