Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 60/2023
Open access

Approaches for the sustainable management of the Apulian coastal areas: the potential of a geoportal

Mariano Tenuta1,2, Rocco Dominici3, Paola Donato3, Gianpietro Imbrogno4, Stefania Lirer1 & Rosanna De Rosa3
1Department of Innovation and Information Engineering, Guglielmo Marconi University, Roma, Italy.
2Directorate General for Territory and Civil Protection, Lombardy Region, Milano, Italy.
3Department of Biology, Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy.
4E3 (Earth, Environment, Engineering) Società Cooperativa, University of Calabria, Via Ponte Bucci, Cubo 15B, Rende, Italy.
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Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 37-50


In order to identify the most suitable strategies and to support territorial decision- making processes, it is necessary to operate with an integrated vision of coastal systems, considering the complex phenomena of sediment production, erosion and subsequent transport from the supply systems to the coastal areas. In this work we propose a new approach to the management of the Apulian coastal areas based on a sustainable and low impact management of sediments and integrated with a WebGIS-based system. The webgis platform was developed to allow interactive and intuitive navigation between the different layers. The platform allows to identify the municipal / provincial / regional territory of interest and to identify the areas characterized by greater or lesser sediment production. The result is the creation of a webgis platform, which allows to identify, in the territorial planning process, the strategic areas for sediment production, and consequently to minimize the impact of the sediment deficit for the system coastal. This approach therefore represents a low-impact solution that will make it possible to mitigate the risk of coastal erosion and increase the resilience of coastal systems, also in consideration of the ongoing climate changes.


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