Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 60/2023
Open access

Valorisation of extractive sites through a didactic and touristic network: the case study of Piedmont

Arianna Paschetto1
1Università di Torino, Via Valperga Caluso 35 Torino.
Corresponding author e-mail:

Volume: 60/2023
Pages: 11-15


The aim of the work presented in this short note is to collect and complete an existing dataset of Piedmont mining heritage and suggest a network of potential sites to be valorised in terms of touristic and didactic uses. Firstly, all known abandoned quarry and mine sites were analysed and represented using GIS. Based on this data, several criteria were taken into account to select pilot sites of interest to create the touristic network: the representativeness of the exploited materials in social and economic traditions of Piedmont, the accessibility, the attractiveness and the stability of the area. In order to deep into stability evaluation, quantitative (Bieniawsky) and qualitative description of the rock mass representing the ore body were carried out (particularly in case of underground sites). Based on those criteria, some pilot site was selected suggesting itineraries network for a touristic purposes. Finally, a standard form for each selected pilot site was realised.


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