Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana - Vol. 49/2019

Geoscienze a Scuola: dinamiche della crosta terrestre e rischio sismico

Maurizio Scacchetti (1) & Silvia Chicchi (2)
(1) Società Reggiana di Scienze Naturali e scuola secondaria di 1° grado "Manzoni" Reggio Emilia. (2) Musei Civici di Reggio Emilia. Corresponding author e-mail:

Volume: 49/2019
Pages: 41-45


The article content is a workshop experience included in the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education and University Research) project called “The Italian University Museum Network for continuing education to scientific method and culture”. This project aims to co-ordinate actions to promote scientific topics and help students to choose their secondary school and university. The Museum of Reggio Emilia, partner of the project, activated six different nature paths throughout the last school year. A class from the secondary school” Manzoni” in Reggio Emilia, took part in a workshop activity called “ Litosphere dynamics and seismic risk” consisting in the following steps: differences between the dynamics on the Moon and on the Earth; discussion about the rheological properties of rocks; illustration of different methods to investigate the Earth core; modelling of the seafloor spreading and the plate tectonics; evidence of the building of folds and faults; hints about building in order to prevent the seismic risk.


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